
April 28, 2017

Initial Release of MR Tools

Maple Rain Research Co., Ltd. announces the initial release of MR Tools today. MR Tools is a set of free software tools for translators and researchers. This initial release comprises the following five tools: MRfilesplit, an application for splitting bilingual parallel corpus; MRterms, a glossary and terminology management tool; MRxls2csv, a tool which converts Excel files (both .xls and .xlsx) to comma-separated values (CSV) files; MRdoc2txt, a tool which converts Word documents (both .doc and .docx) into text files; and MRgitpull, a tool for batch updating of local Git repositories.

These tools can be downloaded for free from Maple Rain Research's software site (http://software.maplerain.com). They have been made available for free to ease the work of translators and researchers.

Maple Rain Research will continue to support researchers in their work, as well as bring outstanding research onto the global stage.